Bhutan National Legal Institute is conducting the 2nd Phase of the 6-day Court-Annexed Mediation (CAM) Training from 19 – 24 August 2019 to the 50 senior Bench Clerks of the Royal Court of Justice, the Supreme Court, High Court, Dzongkhag Courts and the Drungkhag Courts. They are being trained on the skills and techniques of professional mediation of suitable civil cases within the court-system to enhance access to justice, minimise divisive effect of the litigations, optimise judicial resources and strengthen community vitality for peace and harmony in the country. The 1st Phase of the CAM Training was conducted by the Institute for 30 senior Bench Clerks at Paro from 18 – 23 June 2019. In Her address during the opening ceremony of the training, Her Royal Highness, Ashi Sonam Dechan Wangchuck, the Hon. President of the Institute said that the Bench Clerks are main pillars in the justice delivery system; and they have additional roles to play in the institutionalisation of the Court-Annexed Mediation in the judiciary. This will enhance access to justice and further strengthen the age-old customary dispute resolution system of Nangkha Nangdrig, thereby providing a viable alternative forum for the non-adversarial resolution of disputes with the ‘win- win’ outcomes for the parties. The CAM or the judicial mediation service is a significant judicial reform in the recent years.