Vision and Mission


“Leading Legal Education for a free, fair and just society.”


We promote continuing legal education and professional development of the judicial personnel; enhance legal literacy and access to justice to inspire public trust and confidence in the judicial system.

Core Values

We are guided by the following values in our quest to achieve our Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives.

Excellence – We strive for excellence in the pursuit of our Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives; as well as discharge our mandates and serve the Tsa-Wa-Suum.

Professionalism– Our services are informed, relevant and mindfully delivered for progressive changes and development.

Synergy– We build and nurture respectful relationship among ourselves and our stakeholders; and collaborate and work as a team to achieve our goals and objectives.

Integrity- Our programs are informed, precise, effective, relevant, consistent and timely.

Knowledge– We continuously learn, improve and grow in the process of helping others acquire knowledge and skills, and lead legal education for a free, fair and just society.

Main Activities

Since education and information contribute to overall professional development of the members of the judicial and legal fraternity, the Institute is currently dedicating its resources and expertise in the following prioritized areas;

  • Continuing legal education, induction and orientation programs to the judges and other judicial personnel;
  • Need-based specialized trainings for the judiciary and law-enforcement agencies such as police and prosecutors, NGOs, etc.;
  • Dissemination and sensitization of the public on emerging legal issues through mass media;
  • Organizing monthly Judges’ Book Club to keep academic flame of the judges alight;
  • Organizing ADR trainings to  the Local Government leaders and relevant stake holders;
  • Organizing meetings, conferences, lectures, workshops, symposia and seminars on topical issues;
  • Review, analysis and publications of landmark judgments;
  • Study/conduct research on contemporary and emerging legal issues, Bills and legislations passed by the Parliament;
  • Liaise/link with relevant national and international academic/training institutions for exchange of knowledge and experiences.