The Bhutan National Legal Institute in collaboration with National Law University is organizing the fourteenth week of the NLUJ-eITEC Training Programme on Child Justice for judges of Bhutan from 19-21 January 2022. The primary intent of the training programme is hinged on providing a strong conceptual foundation for the Judges to various approaches designed for the benefit of all children in contact with the justice system to ensure that they are better served and protected so that the same may be adequately appreciated during the pronouncement of the decision. Secondly, the training programme would also focus upon providing information on the latest developments taking place in the realm of child rights and child justice, which would act as a refresher to the existing knowledge base and thus would allow the Judges to be apprised about the current position of laws, the recent amendments and the judicial trends. The three-day training will conclude on 21 January 2022. A total of 32 participants are attending the training.
19.01.2022- Virtual Training on “Child Justice”