A careful and systematic study and development of constitutional and administrative law becomes a desideratum as an instrument of control of the exercise of administrative powers. The Constitution lays down the structure and defines, delimits and demarcates the role and functions of every organ of the State including the judiciary and establishes norms for their inter-relationships, checks and balances and administrative law is the constitutional law in action.
Faith of people in the administration of justice is an integral part of modern constitutional democracies. A democracy will be no better than a mere façade if the rights of the people are infringed with impunity without proper redressed mechanism. This makes the study of constitutional and administrative law important in every country. If exercised properly, the vast powers of the administration may lead to the welfare State; but if abused, they may lead to administrative despotism and a totalitarian State. Qualitative and timely justice is an important requirement for the maintenance of people’s trust in the institution of justice, which in turn requires good judges and judging. A strong and independent judiciary makes a nation stable, progressive and well developed. Judicial independence requires a well-trained and educated judiciary, which commands respect in society and ensures public trust in the institutional strength. Therefore, the Bhutan National Legal Institute in collaboration with National Law University, Jodhpur is organizing the eleventh week of e-ITEC virtual training program to the Judges and Judicial Officers on Constitution in Law and in Action. The training is organized under the financial assistance of Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation, Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India. The three- day training will conclude on 22 September 2021.