The Bhutan National Legal Institute has started a 4-day training session for Bench Clerks to familiarize them with the new legislation of 2023. The session will cover key Acts such as the National Digital Identity Act, Civil Liability Act, and Forest and Nature Conservation Act of 2023, which are crucial for civil society, digital identity management, and environmental conservation. Bench Clerks play a critical role in the judiciary, and it is important for them to stay informed about legislative updates. The BNLI organized this session with four main objectives in mind: to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Acts, to clarify their operational aspects, to integrate new legal principles into existing judicial processes, and to enhance the capacity of Bench Clerks to handle related cases effectively. The program is being conducted virtually in two phases and also includes awareness sessions on the National Digital Identity (NDI) and cybersecurity. This session highlights the commitment to maintaining legal standards and ensuring that the judicial system in Bhutan functions efficiently.
April 1, 2024: Sensitization on New Legislation