Trafficking in Persons is a heinous transnational organized crime, which grossly deprives and violates freedom and basic human rights. It involves a complex and sophisticated Modus Operandi that threatens national security and development.
The Bhutan National Legal Institute acknowledges the hideosity of the transnational crime and its impact on the country. This concern for the country and the victims of the crime has precipitated into this collaborative Awareness Training on Trafficking in Persons (TIPs) for the Judiciary. The Institute in collaboration with the Department of Law and Order and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) conducted the phase I of the training on Trafficking in Persons for the judges and judicial officials.
The training aims at equipping the judicial officials to establish a criminal justice system that respects and restores the human rights and needs of the trafficked victims. The participants will be enhanced with skills to adequately detect trafficking cases, identify trafficking victims and implement anti-trafficking legislation in line with national laws.
Further, the training witnessed the launch of the first training manual which would strengthen the country’s capacity to respond to Trafficking in Persons. It was developed with the objective of enhancing the capability and skills of judges to adequately detect trafficking cases and implement anti-trafficking legislation. It takes into consideration the latest trends in terms of forms of exploitation practiced by human traffickers. A multi-disciplinary approach is the key underlining principle at the basis of this training.
A two-day training session was concluded successfully today. The training was attended by seventeen judges and seven judicial officers from various Courts.