The Institute holds great pride in institutionalizing Court-Annexed Mediation in Bhutan. There are about 80 trained mediators in the court, hitherto. Further, the Mediation report 2020 indicates 443 cases have been mediated in the courts since its establishment. However, there is a long road to walk before the visions of the Institute can be achieved. The Institute endeavors to train every senior Bench clerks in the country to build a strong human capacity, In this regard, the training on Court-Annexed Mediation Phase III is being conducted from 15 – 20 March 2021 for 19 Bench Clerks of Western Dzongkhag Courts at Damphu Resort, Tsirang,
The Opening program was graced by the Hon. Dzongda of Tsirang Dzongkhag. The venerable Lam Neten, Drangpon, Royal Court of Justice, Tsirang, Senior Superintendent and Office in Charge of Royal Bhutan Police, Assistant Auditor General, and Drangpon, Royal Court of Justice, Dagana were also in attendance.