Bhutan National Legal Institute is organizing a two-day training on “Interpretation of Laws” to the Bench Clerks of the Royal Courts of Justice from 21 – 22 November 2019. The opening program was graced by the Hon.President of the Institute, HRH, Ashi Sonam Dechan Wangchuck today at Paro. The interpretation or the application of the laws enacted by the Parliament is the primary responsibility of the judiciary. Therefore, the training is aimed at imparting the legal analysis and interpretation skills to the Bench Clerks who actively assist the judges in the resolution of disputes and application of laws to the cases which come before the courts. The training is organized with the financial assistance of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Bhutan. The interactive and experiential training will cover the rules, principles, maxims, philosophies and best practices of interpretation and construction of laws. The interpretation skills serve as the keys to unlocking the legislative intent in enacting the particular Acts or statutes by the Parliament. It also serve as the harmonising tools to solve incongruence and ambiguities amongst Acts and between legal provisions in an Act. It also aids the courts in rendering reasoned judgments as per laws; contrary to the not-so-uncommon misperception that laws are impulsively interpreted as per the whims, fancies and unfettered discretion of the courts. Some 30 Bench Clerks from the Supreme Court, High Court, District Courts and Drungkhag Courts are attending the first Phase of the training. The Institute plans to roll out the training to other Bench Clerks and judges in future based on the success of the training, and availability of fund.
Training on Interpretation of Laws