The Constitution of Bhutan explicitly entrust the Judiciary with a sacred duty to safeguard and uphold rule of law and administer justice. The sacred role of the Judiciary to secure justice and fulfil the needs and aspirations of the people comes through the interpretation of the laws and acting as the final arbiter in the administration of justice. The roles of Judges are distinct from other professions. Their decisions directly affect the people, their ways of lives, their rights and duties. As final arbiters of the administration of justice, Judges are expected to secure the streams of justice, and advance fairness, equity and justice in the society. In the administration of justice, we can recall the ubiquitous phrase that “not only Justice must be done, but also seen to be done” which necessitates the Judiciary to ensure that Justice undergoes established and accountable judicial procedures. A judge requires the knowledge of the laws, the ways to administer justice and more importantly ensure that cases are heard and justice is administered through the principles of judge craft and judicial ethics. This requires the collective qualities of leadership, skills in judgement drafting, judicial ethics and professionalism. It is distinct and collective sets of skills, and attitudes to advance the spirit of constitutionalism best displayed through accountability and transparent processes and judicial craft. Our justice services should be consistent, accountable and impactful. The integrity and ethics of judicial personnel is important element in the administration of justice. The impartiality of the judge with high integrity and morale are required to secure the reins of justice. Judges need to be fearless to deliver justice without fear and favour. To ensure that, Judges learn the evolving qualities of Judgeship and Judge craft the Bhutan National Legal Institute in collaboration with the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi and National Law University, Jodhpur is organizing a three-day training on Judgment Writing, Judicial Ethics, Leadership and Professionalism to the Judges and Judicial Officers from 23 – 25 June 2021. The training is resourced by eminent judicial personalities on various aspects of Judging, judicial reasoning, ethics, neutrality, professionalism, judgment writing, judicial leadership and governance, Bar and Bench. A total of 46 judges and judicial officers are attending the training.
Virtual Training on Judgement Drafting, Judicial Ethics, Leadership and Professionalism