In what is yet another important initiative by the Institute, a two-day virtual training on the art of drafting judgment exclusively to the Supreme Court Bench Clerks and Registrars is underway.
It is said the art of composing judgment is not taught, rather acquired by practice. Judgment involves the work of reasoning and speaks the mind of a judge. Its strength lies in the reasoning. Clarity of exposition is another attribute of a good judgment. Breaking of judgment into separate paragraphs captures the readers’ attention. Thus, this training facilitates to realize all these prerequisites of a commendable judgment.
More so, in framing a judgment, attention to its structural format must be accorded paramount importance. In pursuit of enhancing drafting skills, this training also imparts hands-on simulation exercise on specific issues such as:
a) the art of reading a case file and journaling of key issues;
b) in the quest of fact-in-issue and application of corresponding laws thereof;
c) poaching of material facts and spotting of legal issues;
d) how to identify the questions of law and nexus between laws and facts;
e) development of skills in making critical factual analysis;
f) precise writing of judgment;
g) troubleshooting of the comparative research on the past judgments; and
h) how to use concise and precise words/expressions in simple language.
The aforementioned issues are indispensable and fundamental for profiling a good judgment. The underlying objective of this training is to achieve structural and textual uniformity of judgment. It is also geared towards honing of the intellectual capacity of bench clerks enabling them to cater to the call of changing times and meet the aspiration of society. The training which is funded by RGoB will conclude tomorrow.