Writing of a good judgment is both an art and craft. This comes to the Judges and Bench Clerks by way of experience. To some, gradually. To some, spontaneously. They speak their mind. They unfold their mind. Through their judgments. However, the following questions are frequently asked. Who drafts? How clear are judgments? Of course, the Bench Clerks assist the Judges to draft judgements for they are integral part of judicial process, the very muscles and bones of the Judiciary.
Brevity, simplicity and clarity are the hallmarks of the good judgement. The greatest of these is clarity. To this end, the Institute is holding a two-day virtual training on Judgment Drafting for the Bench Clerks and Registrars of the High Court starting today. The underlying objective of this training is to achieve structural and textual uniformity of judgement. It is also aimed at honing the intellectual capacity of Bench Clerks enabling them to cater to the call of changing times and meet the aspiration of society. This training is funded by RGoB.